Økologisk og Biodynamisk.
’Smagsmæssigt er det blødt, cremet … fed, opulent og så alligevel med den forførende kølige elegance, idet en ren syrlighed skaber en fin balance i vinen. Det er virkelig en koncentreret vin med tyngde og alligevel rigtig stor elegance … stor vin.’
Ole Troelsø/Børsen skriver (red. 6.11.2020). 'Australsk bulderbasse,..Gemtree Obsidian, der ligeledes er dyrket efter økologiske og biodynamiske principper...Det er vin, som twerker veloplagt, men samtidig har en kerne af stringent, køligt mineralitet, som gør den meget interessant at nyde. Det er vigtigt at dekantere den et par timer i forvejen og at servere vinen køligt, helst ikke over 16 grader, samt give den et ordentligt glas....Og hvis du går at vente på en god anledning til at fråse med en ekstra god fedtmarmoreret oksefilet, så er denne vin oplagt til formålet... 5 ud af 6 stjerner
97 point (ud af 100) James Halliday Wine Companion Guide, Australien.
Every year, James Halliday and his tasting panel pinpoint the best Australian wines, winemakers and wineries from a pool of several thousand featured in the annual Halliday Wine Companion guide. The 2017 Obsidian Shiraz received a gold standard of 97 points, and is recognised on the list of 2020 Best of Shiraz!
Vinmageren skriver:
The 2017 Obsidian is a deep, dark scented wine with hints of sweet plums and nutmeg, with creamy notes and vanillin overtones. This wine is the ultimate in integration and balance. There is an elegance and purity in this vintage that invites you to savour every mouthful. The fine tannins and balanced acidity are a direct result of the wonderful quality in the vineyard and careful handling in the winery. This wine needs to be decanted to enjoy at its best.
This Shiraz wine is hand crafted, shows the typicity of our great quality vineyards and nurtured so the purity of Shiraz prevails, resulting in a truly remarkable and polished wine. Our oak regime with this wine was judicious to showcase Gemtree’s provenance, and the outcome is an elegant and pure Shiraz. The Obsidian is a luxurious wine impeccably integrated and balanced that will reward you with mid – long term cellaring.
Pair with roast beef.